About Us


Taking humanity to new heights

If you look closely at the vertical logo of the OMNI brand, you will notice a man ascending. This man is a metaphor for us all, as we work to facilitate the actualization of the human machine itself.

Indeed, we at OMNIcorp are working day and night to realize a world where humanity becomes something greater than he is, something greater than he has been. The “OMNI man” is one that has embraced the necessity for this evolution, this re-imagining of our race.

Through the harvesting of all available information spanning the history of civilization, OMNI is the culmination of technology itself. Through innovation, we have extended our influence into the major spheres of culture…medicine, commerce, education, media, and even government.

Our sole motivation is to create products and solutions which usher in the the next and final phase of human evolution-one that merges our species with all available digital assets and data to optimize man’s experience, and ultimately, extend both his utility and sustainability.

As the new world emerges, we will be on the forefront of executing its identity. Even at this moment, the thousands upon thousands across the map who work directly and indirectly for our interests, are bringing this new globe into focus.

The new world will be a glorious merger, a realm of AR, VR, and AI. It will be a world without property, ownership, competition, mental illness, violence, oppression, or inequality. We, and our partners, will author it. We author it now, even at this moment.

And in doing so, we will ascend to the heavens, and shake the very foundations of what defines life…and even, what lies beyond it.
